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Claire Dowie: H to He (I’m Turning Into a Man)go drag! munich

This event is in the past.

Claire Dowie on a stage with decoration in the background, a wig in her hand and a black dress
Copyright: Verena Gremmer

Imagine waking up one morning to discover you are turning into a man ... H to He is very visual, very camp and outrageously funny in a compassionate and sensitive way – a play about metamorphosis and self image, the genderfication of vegetables,shopping and unrequited love. (in English)

This event is in the past.

Imagine waking up one morning to discover you are turning into a man ... H to He is very visual, very camp and outrageously funny in a compassionate and sensitive way – a play about metamorphosis and self image, the genderfication of vegetables,shopping and unrequited love. (in English)

"The thought is in my head before I’ve opened my eyes. I dismiss it as the remnant of uneasy dreams and wake up fully, aware that I’m scratching. I don’t itch but my skin is thick and tingling, drawing attention to itself. I’m turning into a man ... Will Tina fancy me now?“

Claire Dowie has written and performed numerous award winning plays, including Edinburgh Fringe Festival classics “Adult Child/Dead Child”, “Why Is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt?”, “Death and Dancing” and “H to He (I’m turning into a man)”. She has a reputation for work that defies categorisation and is renowned for her ground-breaking subversion of gender expectations and stereotypes.


Originally trained as a dancer, she started writing poetry (published by Faber and Apples and Snakes) and quickly gained a reputation as an outspoken and hilarious stand up comic on the cabaret circuit in the early eighties. She ran out of punch lines and started writing plays, inventing her own genre: stand up theatre. Her work is translated into many languages and performed throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Her plays are also studied in schools, colleges and universities as part of Gender Studies as well as English Literature and Drama. She has four collections of plays published by Bloomsbury Methuen alongside her first novel “Creating Chaos” which is also published in German and Italian.


Language: English


In cooperation with Pathos Munich

Claire Dowie in front of a theatre backdrop in a brown coat with cotton wool on her face
Copyright: Manuela Schneider