Wir sind, wer wir sind. Und das ist gut so.A drag reading for young and old – go drag! munich
This event is in the past.

“We are who we are. And that’s fine.” is the title of this German-language reading. Meet the legendary King Eric, who explains what makes a “real man”; let the enchanting Queen Vicky introduce you to a cute pair of rabbits; and listen to Radieschen the talking drag root vegetable, who has a surprise or two in store in their story about an unusual princess.
This event is in the past.
“We are who we are. And that’s fine.” is the title of this German-language reading. Meet the legendary King Eric, who explains what makes a “real man”; let the enchanting Queen Vicky introduce you to a cute pair of rabbits; and listen to Radieschen the talking drag root vegetable, who has a surprise or two in store in their story about an unusual princess.
The three artists read from books that tell of love and friendship. They invite you into colourful worlds and show you what is possible if you hold on to your dreams – no matter what gender you are. Can a little prince and a fox become friends? What even does friendship mean? What does a boyfriend or girlfriend look like? One thing is for sure: whether long or short hair, whether boys in dresses or girls in trousers, whether princesses with a mind of their own or romantic princes, whether blue, pink or rainbow-coloured: we are who we are. And that is how it should be.
A special experience for families with children who enjoy picture books and listening to stories.
The following books will be read:
- Echte Jungs wie du und ich (original title: How To Be A Real Man) by Scott Stuart (recommended for ages 5 and up)
- Flora und der Honigkuss by Barbara Müller and Ann-Kathrin Nikolov (recommended for ages 4 and up)
- Ein Tag im Leben von Marlon Bundo (original title: A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundow) by Jill Twiss and EG Keller (recommended for ages 4 and up)
- Der kleine Prinz (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
More information about this event (in German)
Please book on site or by e-mail to stb.hp8@muenchen.de
Please note that anyone belonging to right-wing extremist parties or organisations, associated with the right-wing extremist scene or known to have made statements that are deemed racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic, sexist, xenophobic or hostile to LGBTIQ+ people will not be admitted to the event.
Language: German
In cooperation with Pathos München e. V. and Gasteig München GmbH