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This event is in the past.

Audience at a pop concert shot from behind, you can see the heads and raised arms, two hands form a heart.
Copyright: Anthony Delanoix/Unsplash

Martin Herzberg conjures up pieces from his piano that are reminiscent of the music of Ludovico Einaudi or Hans Zimmer. The sizeable line-up of string ensemble, vocals, drums and the wonderful Stefanie John on cello promises an evening that is as energetic as it is introspective.

This event is in the past.

Martin Herzberg conjures up pieces from his piano that are reminiscent of the music of Ludovico Einaudi or Hans Zimmer. The sizeable line-up of string ensemble, vocals, drums and the wonderful Stefanie John on cello promises an evening that is as energetic as it is introspective.

Featuring both electronic spherical sounds and picturesque strings, Martin Herzberg’s music will variously set you dreaming or tapping your feet. An ode for more compassion and the love of nature, Martin’s pieces are often reminiscent of the music of Ludovico Einaudi or Hans Zimmer. Escape from everyday life for an evening and let the concert’s afterglow accompany you late into the night.


Pop has always been part and parcel of Martin Herzberg’s music, so it’s only natural that his new album, “Trees”, should feature a pop band line-up. Also in the programme are Herzberg’s classics, which take on a whole new radiance in their novel guise. An extravagant light show will add that extra sparkle to the concert. A great show with great music, which nevertheless leaves space for the “small” moments of intimacy and contemplation.