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This event is in the past.

A dance floor with dancing people, overlaid with hearts.
Copyright: Michael Gregory

Ecstatic Dance and social evening with DJ Meiko Deen & friends. With dance and movement workshop, improvised dance workshop, and meditation with gong and singing bowl.

This event is in the past.

Ecstatic Dance and social evening with DJ Meiko Deen & friends. With dance and movement workshop, improvised dance workshop, and meditation with gong and singing bowl.

A warm-up is followed by a gradually intensifying ecstasy, accompanied by selected music. The combination of sounds and voices with tribal-earthy, trance-inducing beats triggers feelings of joy, releases blockages and leaves participants with a sense of inner peace and relaxation.


No skill is required, and you can choose to work in physical contact with others or not, as you prefer. Although the sometimes powerful music will make you work up a sweat, keeping to your own pace with your own movement is crucial. Anyone can take part. All you need to bring with you is openness to new experiences in a protected space and the desire to experience your own vitality.


There will be no alcohol consumed at the event, and you will dance barefoot or wearing socks or soft dance shoes. Outdoor footwear is not permitted. The dancing will continue until 11 PM.


Ecstatic Dance is the name for a wave of different musical elements that allow people to move completely freely in dance, guided only by their own impulses. Ecstasy can be experienced in all manner of forms, be it in silence or in a space of chaotic movement.


  • Ulli Wittemann: Move your body
    After his acting studies and eight years at the Stadttheater, he decided in 2010 to change his focus from performing to sharing his ideas in acting, movement, awareness and communication. Having also spent more than 20 years studying various martial arts, he finally fell in love with dance, especially contact improvisation. He teaches regularly in Munich and has held countless workshops, retreats and classes in Asia, North America and Europe in recent years.
  • Tabea Gregory: Improvisational theatre
    Tabea Gregory lives as a performing artist in Darmstadt. She is internationally trained in Action Theatre, improvisational theatre, contemporary dance, physical theatre and Social Presencing Theater. In her own pieces, she loves to create poetic stories with language, movement and sound improvisation. Her special interest lies in increasing awareness through artistic practice. She teaches through awakening the senses, aiming to support learning to trust the body and its impulses.
  • Michi Mondenschein: Gong and singing bowl meditation
  • Michi Mondenschein will envelop us in the spherical sounds of his planetary gongs for deep meditation. The gongs sets every cell in our body vibrating. All that has been lived and experienced is stored there and can be released and dissolved. Letting go of the old, realigning, deep relaxation.
  • Meiko Deen: Ecstatic Dance
    Meiko is not your mainstream style DJ but rather mixes in fusion style with multiple genres going from techno to classical music within one set. He’ll weave in funk, house and jazz and that eighties feeling into the quality of today’s best productions. Growing up with jazz and classical music, Meiko Deen danced on stage from an early age. His affinity to turning sound into movement developed throughout the years, eventually leading him to check out the decks of a DJ from the other side of the dance floor. Several years of home practice managed to get him his first gigs. In the last 13 years he has developed his unique style, being the fusion of many genres into a soundscape that moves any music lover from stillness to pure enjoyment.
  • Plus: Mr. Welcome at the handpan, Vernissage Mario Kicker and more