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The Time of Stabilitocracy – Vreme stabilokratije18th Balkan Days 2024: Film Days

This event is in the past.

A figure in red can be recognised in front of the cut-out of a European flag.
Copyright: Balkantage 2024

The Balkan Film Days presents the documentary The Time of Stabilitocracy – Vreme stabilokratije. The screening is followed by a talk about the film with its director and producer, Nikola Burazer.

This event is in the past.

The Balkan Film Days presents the documentary The Time of Stabilitocracy – Vreme stabilokratije. The screening is followed by a talk about the film with its director and producer, Nikola Burazer.

The Time of Stabilitocracy – Vreme stabilokratije analyses the link between EU integration and democratisation in the Western Balkans on one hand and the phenomenon of “stabilitocracy” – undemocratic rule underpinned by international support that aims to deliver the promised stability – on the other. In the course of the film, we hear from many of the direct participants and experts in the region’s democratisation process.


Original language with English and Serbian subtitles; rated FSK 18 (suitable for people aged 18 years and over)