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Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra: Webern / Berg / ZemlinskySimone Young (Leitung)

An orchestra stands on a building site
Copyright: BR/As

The programme comprises Anton Webern: Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op 10; Alban Berg: Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op 6; Alexander von Zemlinsky: Lyric Symphony after poems by Rabindranath Tagore for soprano, baritone and orchestra, Op 18

The programme comprises Anton Webern: Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op 10; Alban Berg: Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op 6; Alexander von Zemlinsky: Lyric Symphony after poems by Rabindranath Tagore for soprano, baritone and orchestra, Op 18

  • Maria Bengtsson, soprano
  • Michael Volle, baritone
  • Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
  • Simone Young, conductor

Introduction (in German language) at 6:45 PM; free admission with a valid concert ticket