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Works by Sybille Rath on the Exhibition Wall in Hall E

Blurred portrait of the artist Sybille Rath from behind, carrying a large canvas.
Copyright: Mirco Taliercio

HP8 studio artists show their work

In January and February 2025, you can view works by Sybille Rath on the Exhibition Wall in Hall E.


Sybille Rath’s paintings are characterised by different spheres and a focus on process. Simplicity within complexity; a condensed narrative that focusses on the essence; figure and fragment; the unfinished and the unfinishable (Herbert von Einem), surfaces of colour and blank space; but above all movement and standstill: Those are the concepts that find their expression through gesture and material in Rath’s art.


  • Sybille Rath, born 1970 in Bonn, lives in Munich
  • 1992–98: Studied painting at the Academy of Arts (AdBK) in Munich; Masters student of Helmut Sturm
  • 2019: Steiner Foundation Scholarship, AdBK Munich
  • 2010: Scholarship for the promotion of equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, AdBK Munich
  • 2008: Scholarship from the Kunstfonds foundation in Bonn
  • 2003–2004 ISCP, Int. Studio Program, New York; DAAD Scholarship, Mexico
  • Numerous international exhibitions, incl. in New York, Mexico, Italy and Japan

Exhibition of works in public and private collections:

Art collection of BMW Munich; Telekom Deutschland; Bayerische Rückversicherung AG, Munich; collection of HypoVereinsbank; collection of LV 1871 Lebensversicherung, Munich; collection of AXA-Nordstern Versicherungs AG, Cologne; Museum of Contemporary Art Oaxaca (MACO), Mexico; Eon Energie AG, Munich; Ernst Young & Partner AG, Munich; Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung, Munich


For more information, visit

“In their very own special way, the works invite you to explore new ways of thinking.”

Erno Vroonen
Oil painting by the artist Sybille Rath, showing the profile of a person.
Eigen, 2024, oil on canvas, 95 x 115 cm Copyright: Sybille Rath
Oil painting by the artist Sybille Rath, showing abstract forms, a person and a bird.
Verneigung, 2020, oil on canvas, 145 x 180 cm Copyright: Sybille Rath